Thursday, January 23, 2020

Week 2 Day 4, Activity 2

Week 2 Day 4, Activity 2

I chose the Inuit People from Canada and the Aboriginal
People from Australia.

2 facts about Inuit People are they eat seals and caribou
and they live in really really cold places in Canada.

2 facts about Aboriginal People are they are all related to
each other back to the very first Aboriginal people and they
were treated really badly by the white people when they
moved to Australia.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hayley,

    Leisha here again.

    You have learned some really interesting facts about the Inuit and Aboriginal people. I didn’t know that they eat seals and caribou. Do you know what caribou are?

    I think it is really interesting that the aboriginal people were thought to have originated from Africa around 70,000 years ago. That is a long time ago!!

    What was the most interesting fact that you learned?

    Until next time.



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.