Monday, August 23, 2021

My times tables

 Today I did my times tables up to ten. Mum said that it would be a good idea to make a poster so I did. Mum helped me make the poster. We made it look very snazzy. I worked them out and then after I was done Mum wrote them on the poster. Heres what it now looks like. I think that the hardest for me was 7's and 8's. but the rest weren't to hard for me. I still don't know them off by heart.  Mum is going to test me lots over lockdown......NOoooooo! 



  1. Well done Hayley. I hope you thanked your mum. Just a hint, if you know your 4x table you can work out the 8x table. For example 6 x 8= 6 x 4 = 24, double 24 = 48.
    Hope I haven't confused you.

  2. Thanks for commmenting on my blog Mr Fogarty. Yes I did use that stratgey. You didn't confuse me.


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