Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Cleaning my fish tank

 Yesterday I had to clean my fish tank because it was disgusting. It didn't take too long but that was probably because I've done it before. I think my fish love a clean tank a lot more than a dirty tank. I could bring the tank to the kitchen where I was cleaning it but I couldn't bring it back to my room because it had more water in it than before. I had to use 2 bowls; one bowl was for the rocks and other was for the fish. Cleaning the plants was a mission. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Avatar Maker Again


Today I made another Avatar. I made this girl on my own I didn't just look at someone I  thought it would look cool and I was right.  I don't know what to call it. 

My new mouse

 Yesterday I went to Noel Leemings. Mum surprised me by getting me a new mouse. So today I am using it. The mouse isn't to bad but it is a bit fast and some times it gets in my way but I guess i'm not used to it but that's ok. The colour is purple.