Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020


🐥Fred The Chicken🐥

🐥Fred The Chicken🐥
Characters: Fred, Jeff, Lola, 

CRASH!!!, BANG!!!, SPLAT!!!. “What was that?” Said Lola. “Hey where is Jeff?”
Said Fred “On the road… dead.” Said Lola. “Oh no” Said Fred, calling the police
and ambulance. The next thing they know there is a WE DO, WE DO, WE DO.
“Come on we have to get to the hospital” said Fred. Now the whole neighbourhood
can hear VROOM, WE DO and it went on and on. 
We are in the hospital waiting to go and see Jeff. “Finally we are at the hospital,”
Said Lola. “Let's go and find Jeff,” Said Fred. “There he is!” Lola yelled. “He died,”
Said the doctor, “Why, Why did the Chicken cross the road?” Said Fred “Wait, that
is it” Fred said. 
The next day
“Hey where is Fred?” Said Lola. SPLAT!!!  “Why do they have to be so stupid” said

“Well at least I don’t need Fred and Jeff because they are so stupid”  


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Cup Cakes

Today I made cup cakes. They are vanilla and chocolate chip. I made them for PJ day. At school there was no Soy milk for me so I made them at home.  We are having some nice food for PJ day. I am wearing my Mickey mouse PJ's for it. We are going to have a lot of lollies. 
125g butter softened 
1 teaspoon vanilla essence 
1/2 cup caster sugar 
2 eggs mix 1 at a time 
1 cup pain flour 
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 cup milk