Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The speech's

In Room 1 we have been doing a speech. This is what we had to do: First we had to think of the title, then we had to  write an introduction, after that we had to find facts about the topic, we also had to write a conclusion, next we had to edit it and make sure it made sense, finally we wrote it on cue cards. The speech could be about any topic we wanted. My speech is about bunnies and rabbits because they are my favourite animal.   


  1. Hi Hayley! My name is Hana and I'm a year 6 from Yaldhurst Model School!

    Wow Hayley! I like the explanation. It's very clear, and I can understand it very well!

    What a coincidence! My class is also focusing on speeches! We're going to put them on cue cards like you, and we're all going to present our speech to the whole school! A few people are going to be sent somewhere else to perform their speech, too! If I'm honest, this is SO SCARY. I easily get stage fright, and I would do ANYTHING to not do this. Although, it's still compulser, and we have to do it. So, I'm doomed. :(

    Next time, you could try to add a DLO somewhere. It would make it more interesting, and it would draw the reader in.

    I can see that you don't have much to talk about here, but you could try having a small introduction, and have the rest of the information on a DLO. Just to make it more interesting!

    Keep up the wonderful work Hayley!

    From Hana

    P.S. I saw the animation you did a while back, and I LOVE IT! You used Gacha life, which is an app that I love too! Sorry, I just HAD to say that!! :D

  2. Hello, I'm Amelia from Yaldhurst Model School.

    I liked the way you have talked about your topic that you are focusing on for your speech. I also liked how you talked about what you did.

    This is really cool because our school is doing speeches too! I would've said that our class was but my sisters say they are doing speeches too and they are in different classes.

    To improve, you could maybe talk about if writing speeches is compulsory or if it's optional. Also a DLO would be nice to make it more attractive.

    Why did you decide to blog about this?
    Why are bunnies your favourite animal?

    Cya later Hayley, keep it up!


  3. Kia Ora Hayley I am Olivia from Yaldhurst Model school
    your blog is really good I love hoe you told us what you did to prepare for speeches in our class we are doing speeches to! for the competition all throughout nz I think that you chose a really good topic about you favorite animals my favorite animal is Red Panda last year I did my speech on them although this blog is great I think you should try to make it a little longer.
    Why did you blog about your speech?
    keep up the great 👍
    kind regards Olivia

  4. Hi Hayley,

    I'm Grace a Year 8 from Yaldhurst Model School.

    WOW! What a great blog post, you explained this very well and made it clear what you were doing.

    This reminds me of speeches that we are doing currently in Rimu, we did an activity before we actually started the speech (The activity is on my blog) We haven't started writing the speech yet or decided a topic, but that will be next week.

    Maybe you could add a DLO on a slide, canva or maybe a biteable to make it more eye-catching, and for next time you could add some questions so more people could maybe relate.

    Apart from that its great

    Kind regards
    - Grace

  5. Hi Hayley I am Alvin from YMS. I liked the way you have described how you do your speeches. An awsome thing is that we are doing speeches too! Did you think about talking a photo of what you wrote and make a DLO? Did you have fun writing a speech were you nervous? - Alvin

  6. Thanks every one,
    I blogged about this because they are my favourite animal. They are so cute and so cuddly. I also like them because we have a lot at our house in an aviary. I had a lot but now I have 4. The other ones got sold but unfortunately some died.



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