Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My speech

 Hello, My name is Hayley and my speech is about bunnies and rabbits because they are my favourite animal. 

Rabbits and bunnies' eyes are on the side of their heads, and that is a good thing because they can see if there are other animals coming around them. There is only one blind spot on the bunnies and rabbits. It is in front of them. Rabbits teeth never stop growing! Rabbits' ears can be 10 centimetres long, and can turn 180 degrees. Some rabbits sleep with their eyes open! Loafing is a position that bunnies like to sit in. You can have 1 to 14 bunnies in a litter. Litter means how many bunnies they had. 

The fastest rabbit is an Arctic Hare. They can run 60km per hour. There are more than 30 species of bunnies. Here are some, Mini Rex, Holland Lop, Dutch Lop and so much more. Rabbits are a part of a species called Lagomorphs. The longest bunny species is a  Flemish giant. They weigh up to 6.8 kilograms. The biggest Flemish giant weighed 10 kilograms. The longest bunny in the world is 4 foot long. Rabbits can jump up to 90 centimetres high. 

You call the female rabbit a doe, the male rabbit is called a buck, and the baby bunny is called a kit or a kitten. Some rabbits live in groups. Rabbits can learn tricks. When rabbits and bunnies are happy they do twists and kicks in mid air. Bunnies and rabbits purr like cats when they are relaxed. Bunnies can start breeding at 5 to 6 months.

Here are some extra facts about rabbits and bunnies:

Rabbits eat grass, wildflowers, and vegetables. Rabbits can’t vomit. Rabbits don’t really make noises. Do you know the difference between a rabbit and a bunny? They are pretty much the same animal, but a rabbit is a small mammal, and a bunny is a small rabbit.  Bunnies can live up to 12 years old. The first rabbit born was in the 5th century.

I hope you enjoyed my speech about bunnies and rabbits. I didn’t know this much about bunnies and rabbits. I did get some information off the internet. Bunnies and rabbits are really cute and cuddly animals. Did you learn anything about bunnies and rabbits? 

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