Monday, January 20, 2020

Summer Learning Journey wk4/20th

I have designed my Tapa cloth with weather because it
seems like lately our weather has been the most important
thing where we live.  My design means that the Sun and the
Clouds are friends and the people don’t notice that the
cloud is the Sun’s friend. The people need the sun and the
rain because if we didn’t have the clouds and sun we
wouldn't be able to survive because the clouds make rain
and that gives the trees a drink of water and we need the
trees to give us oxygen to breathe.  Sometimes we will need
the clouds because if we didn’t the sun might get to hot for
us and we will get burn’t a lot which will annoy us a lot.

I would repeat my pattern of Sun and Cloud over and over
to create my Tapa Cloth.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hayley,

    Leisha here again :)

    I really like your design for the tapa cloth. I can see you have put a lot of thought into this design and the meaning behind it. I think the sun and clouds idea is really beautiful and they are so important to all of us, like you have said.

    I think this as a repeated pattern on a tapa cloth would look amazing! Would your tapa cloth have any colour? What colours would you use? I know that often these tapa cloths are hung on walls. Where would you hang your design in your house?

    Another fantastic post. Ka mau te pai!



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