Thursday, August 19, 2021

My dog broke my lego house

 So I had made a lego house and my dog walked over it! Ok, let me tell you how it happened. So I was going to get my dog and show my class mates my dog on the hangout. We are all on a hangout because there is a lock down happening right now so I wanted to show them my dogs because they haven't seen them. Anyways, I was going to get my small dog but my big one came at the same time so when I was picking up my small dog my big dog just walk all over my lego house because apparently it was the floor!  Well that didn't go well and this happened....

and now the dog who did it... 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an interesting house. Will you make it again? Maybe for the lego challenge for Monday?
    Your dog looks like he is sorry.


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