Thursday, September 2, 2021

I made pizza's

 Yesterday night I made pizza's. Mum and Dad and my sister were very busy on the farm so I called Mum and asked her if I could make some Pizza for tea. Mum said yes. What I did was write on google how to make pizza dough. I looked at the first one I saw. It said that it would make 3 pizza's and there's 5 people in my family so I did two mixtures. I knew that there was going to be 1 extra pizza so I thought that we all could have 1 pizza each and then there would be one more pizza if some one wanted a little more and then the rest could be saved for the next day. What I didn't know was that Mum wasn't felling well so she said that she didn't want any. So then that left me with two pizza that weren't going to get eaten. After I had made every one a pizza apart from Mum there was sitll 2 pizza dough's left. I asked Mum what to do and she said that I didn't have to worry because I could just make one big pizza and then some of it could be used for the next day or the day after that. So I made a big pizza and this is what it looks like........

They tasted really nice and all my family liked them.  My favourite toppings for pizza are salami, cheese, tomato, and pinapple.


  1. That pizza looks very nice. It's making me feel hungry. What toppings did you put on it?

  2. Wow! Hayley! That looks delicious. I love pineapple on pizza too, it's my favourite.


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