Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Week 2, Day 2, Activity 2

Week 2, Day 2, Activity 2

I learn’t about the group of students in Australia that were
trying to change climate change.
I learn’t it’s not ok to ignore climate change.
I learn’t that we can change the world if we change how we

We don’t use glad wrap in our lunchboxes, we use beeswax
wraps that we can reuse and this helps the environment. 


  1. Ata mārie Hayley,

    You have learnt some really great stuff about the School Strike for Climate and climate change! Did you know anything about climate change before starting this activity? Do you think it should be taught in schools?

    I think it is amazing that you use beeswax wraps instead of gladwrap. I want to make some of my own beeswax wraps. Have you ever made them before? Apparently they are very easy to make, you just need beeswax and a piece of cotton material.

    At my house, we try to recycle anything that can be recycled. That is our way of helping the environment. Do you recycle at your house too?


  2. Hi Leisha
    I have never tried to make beeswax wraps but maybe I could ask our teacher if we could make them at school?
    Yes I have heard of climate change but I don't really know anything about it.
    No we don't recycle much at our house because we don't live in town and so we don't get a recycling rubbish bin.
    Hayley :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.