Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Week 2, Day 2, Activity 3

Week 2, Day 2, Activity 3
The problem that she faced was that the white kids had to sit at the front and the brown kids to the back of the bus.  One day she told herself she was sick of sitting at the back so she sat at the front. The driver was telling her to move but she refused.  The driver had her arrested. Then, once she got out of jail, people started to refuse to go on the bus because of that and then the driver got angry.

So the Prime Minister changed the law so now any kids can sit wherever they want.   


  1. Kia ora Hayley,

    Well done for completing another SLJ activity. You are so close to finishing the whole programme which is amazing!

    How did you feel reading Rosa Park’s story? Could you believe that she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat? It is hard to believe that in the USA in the 1950s and 1960s they actually had laws to keep black and white people separated. Do you think Rosa did the right thing by refusing to give up her seat?

    Another great post Hayley. Until next time…


  2. Hi Leisha
    I do think she did the right thing because she knows its bad to put the in separate places. It's lucky the rules have changed now because one of my best friends have brown skin and I would be sad for her if she was separated like this. I would change the rules for her too.
    Hayley :)

  3. Hi Hayley,

    I think it is amazing that you would stand up for your friend and fight for the rules to be changed if it was still happening today. I am very happy the laws have changed now too.

    How is your day going Hayley? I cannot believe it is the last day of the SLJ for this year!



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