Friday, April 24, 2020

Letter to a soldier

Letter to a soldier 

Hi Captain Tom,

My name is Mia.  I am from New Zealand on the West Coast. I have seen you
on the news that’s how I know you. I think that it is really good what you are
doing for the hospitals. It’s really cool that you are 99 and doing a lot of laps
around your house.  Are you looking forward to getting a letter from Queen
Elizabeth on your birthday?  I am really excited for my Great Nana to turn 100
and get her letter from the Queen so I can read it.   I am 9 years old. What is it
like at you house, it is fine at my house?
I am writing to you and asking you all these questions because at school we
are learning about the war and our teacher asked us to write to a soldier from
the war and I thought of you because I don’t know any other people who went
to war. 
What was it like in WW2, was it scary, sad? What did you eat, was it healthy? was it good? What’s the ship that you were in? Was it like the ships that we have now? Did you have a lot of food then? Did you get hurt when you were in
WW2? Were there big home’s? Did you have a pet? What did you write with
there? Were there phones then? How old were you when you went to WW2?
Did you have a lot of friends? Did you make friends during WW2?
Have an awesome birthday.

From Mia


  1. Great letter, Hayley. You have really put a lot of thought into it.
    Can you fix the formatting of it so it is easier to read? If you are not sure how, ask someone at the hangout this afternoon.


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