Thursday, April 23, 2020

Making a face Mask

This is my face mask. I made it my self. You will need a needle, some string, some elastic and some material. Then you cut a piece of the material that is a little bit more of you mouth. Then you just turn your material inside out then fold it. Make show that you have left a hole so you can turn it inside out so you get the good side of it. Once you have sewn it and turned it inside out you can put the elastic on. For the elastic you have to sewn it on. Then you have your very own face mask.


  1. Well done, Hayley. Looks great and is a very handy thing to have at the moment. I love the colour.

  2. You are very clever, could I have one in black please. ( Just joking )

  3. Thanks,
    And I know that I am very clever. I love the colour as well.

  4. Thanks
    It is my favourite colour

  5. Hi Hayley!!
    Wow alsome face mask. I love how you told us how to make it.
    Hope you have a lovely day.
    Keep it up.

    Your Friend Johanna(:


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