Friday, January 22, 2021

SLJ Thursday January 14 task 1


In New Zealand our summer holidays are from the middle of December until the end of January.  We have Christmas and New Year in our holidays

People like to travel to different places in New Zealand to holiday.  The weather is hot and so people do a lot of swimming and exploring at beaches, lakes and rivers.  Some people spend a lot of time with friends.  People love to spend time in nature because it is so nice in New Zealand.  We have awesome bush and scenery.


  1. Tēnā koe Hayley, Fiona here from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Great work completing the NZ summer holidays activity and writing a great description of how we celebrate summer here. I really like the way you have included so many features about how people spend summer in NZ, like swimming at the beach, enjoying beautiful scenery and spending time with family. I love to do all of these things!

    What is one of your favourite activities to do on the summer holidays?

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    As we are now coming to the end of the Summer Learning Journey I would love to know which SLJ activities have been your favourite?

    Ngā mihi nui and keep up the awesome blogging!

    Fiona (SLJ).

  2. Hi Fiona
    My favourite SLJ has been making the insect out of nature. I liked that because it was outside and I liked that the rose head look amazing. I preferred to make stuff rather than working on my chromebook. Some things were hard and some were easy. Sometimes I didn't understand the instructions to well but Mum helped me. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I like how quick I got comments from you all. It was a bit hard getting the activities spread over the holidays because sometimes I had heaps of time and wanted to do a lot of activities but they weren't on line yet and now I have been away and couldn't do a lot of them and its hard to catch up. I only have today and I have been doing them this morning so I think I'm ready to finish them now.

    Hayley :)


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